Wendington Jones
The Missing

Delve Deeper
Find out more about the characters Wendington met on her journey

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Then take our super tricky quiz and see how you do. Dive back into the book to help you find solutions. Just don't peek at the answers below until you've given it your best shot
1. Pennington was a well known traveller. But how many specific countries can you name that you're absolutely sure she visited, basely solely on what's in The Missing Tree?
2. How would the chapter number where Wendington visits a bookshop, the number of people Captain Grimsby invites to his dinner that Wendington attends, the number of ports that Wendington visits on the SS Pembroke (including Southampton) , a decimal point and finally the age Wendington was when she started at Lady Goatberg's, all lead you to some helpful information on Perceval, in Grandmamma's library?
3. We hear of two vessels from the Emerald Line Shipping Company. One that carries Wendington towards Australia, and the second that carries her home again. But what do the names of these two ships have in common with Wendington's home city?
4. Three moustaches and one beard are mentioned in The Missing Tree. How many of the characters sporting facial hair can you remember?
5. Who first said the phrase that Grandmamma has etched above the door to her library?
6. The weapon that saw to Mr. Baxter's knee, the item that jammed up the Pembroke's engine, the thing that Cecile twisted around and somehow clung onto in her chase of Wendington on the night of the Captain's dinner, what Mr. Owens blames instead of the pistons when he meets Wendington and finally what Wendington found over a dozen of in Mr Jager's bag. What item is missing from a similar collection from a far lighter celebration of domestic skullduggery and amateur sleuthship?
7. The name Wendington appears over thirteen hundred times in The Missing Tree. But based on name alone, which other three characters do you think appear the most?
8. Many odd noises mark Wendington's journey. From the strange clanking of a wrench stuck in an engine to the awful blare of a ship's horn, announcing its departure from port. However a number of silences are also present. Lurking in between the bumps and clanks. Can you recall one of the specific types of silence, for there are many, that Wendington encounters. Can you name them all? Just how many specific types of silence are mentioned?
9. In the course of her whole journey, how many types of transport does Wendington use? And in what order do they come in least distance travelled, to further distance travelled?
10. Wendington's overalls, gifted by the Pembroke's mechanics, the lighthouse in Naples, the covers on the lifeboats, Uluru's rock that Wendington finds at Reggie's, at least the last time it's mentioned, and the jacket that Perceval first turned up in. Other than the order in which they appear in the book, what other order could these things appear? And how would completing the list, at least in this tale, end in vain? Mnemonically speaking at least.